The grey-ish house owned by Elouise Geima itself is a beautiful structure, a federal style house, two-and-a-half stories, six bay and side gable. The walls still have much of the original wood frame and the roof is made of asphalt shingles. The cut granite foundation can be seen poking out of the ground at more weathered corners of the house. The main focal point of the house the porte cocheres, the archway over the driveway, were added after the second portion of the house was completed. A glass-enclosed porch with a rounded corner extends from the façade around to the eastern side of the house. According to the assessment of the house done in 1994, “4 Leland Road has the most ornate porch example and one of the very few porte cocheres in Westford.” At the back of the house are granite steps up to a second smaller porch. There has been minimal remodeling done to the house and the outside still retrains many of the details present when it was built in 1794.